BP Adams Relieves Coronavirus Anxiety By Meditating, You Can Join Him

BROOKLYN – To reduce the spread of the coronavirus, we are told to “social distance”, “stay home”. But, humans are social creatures. Being alone will take a toll on mental health. Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams has been asking fellow New Yorkers to mediate with him, virtually, and posted last night his “teleexercise” routine on Twitter.
Adams posts videos of him meditating (and now exercising) on Youtube and his social media pages. He explains the process and guides you through the meditation session or the workout.
“New Yorkers are strong and I believe we are strongest when we are working together, standing together and taking care of each other. Which is why in these seemingly uncertain times it is most difficult for us to stay apart from each other while we protect each other. And sometimes that will weigh heavy on us all,” Adams said. “While I know we will be able to stand together soon – as soon as it is safe to – the reality is that right now we are all experiencing very real anxiety. I’ve said it many times and I will say it now – meditation can help combat this.”
According to Adams, he begins and ends each of his days with 20 minutes of meditation. For him, it’s been a tool that helps him stay grounded and clear his head.
“My hope is that New Yorkers – those who have practiced meditation and those who may feel like they don’t know how to meditate – will join us today,” he said. “While we may be feeling isolated socially by our physical separation, we can still come together spiritually through meditation and unity.”
Adams also videotaped his short workout last night at Borough Hall. He can be seen exercising while Jay Z plays in the background. He calls it ‘teleexercise.’
Brooklyn! We GOT this. During this time it is MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER to take care of our bodies and our minds. I asked you to telemeditate with me. Now I’m asking you to telexercise with me. My best moves for a quick, efficient and restorative workout… w/ a #jayz soundtrack. pic.twitter.com/PUTkImrm97
— Eric Adams (@BPEricAdams) March 23, 2020
“As I’m moving around the borough and hearing from a number of Brooklynites amid this public health crisis, I am finding that many people throughout the borough are understandably experiencing a lot of stress, anxiety, and trauma,” he told Bklyner. “As we work to contain the spread of the coronavirus and deliver relief to families and businesses that have already been devastated by the economic fallout, we also must give people the tools for self-care.”
“We sponsored meditation for children in schools. I use meditation in my life daily to re-center myself. We hosted these virtual guided meditation sessions so all Brooklynites know that even though we may be socially isolated, we can still be spiritually connected. Together, we will get through this difficult period.”