Compost Your Way to a Great Garden

Neighbor Tracey Hohman shows off her fabulous garden on an episode of Urban Gardener on the Spaces YouTube channel. Tracey discuses how she creates compost with fallen leaves and food waste, which she uses in place of chemical fertilizer.

“My leaf pile in the fall almost hits the roof of the garage,” Tracey explained to us. “Plus, I have two black plastic covered composters for the kitchen waste. I produce more than enough [compost] to use throughout the entire garden. The only tough part is digging it out and sorting out the big pieces. I have amazing worms, it is great stuff and keeps my garden happy. Plus, I really hate bagging leaves, I just fill up a trash barrel and dump it in the pile.”

If you’d like to learn more about composting, the city has some information here. And of course, you can learn more in person at one of our local composting sites–the Sustainable Flatbush church garden and Compost for Brooklyn both have open hours where you can drop off your scraps, and where experienced composters can tell you more about setting up a system at your own home.