Commuters, Beware: OWS To Spread May Day Mayhem


Remember those scruffy fellas from Occupy Wall Street? Yeah, they were all the rage… until it got cold and America got distracted.

But now they’re back! The group is putting themselves back on the radar tomorrow with a series of demonstrations and occupations throughout the city. And whatever your political affiliations may be, if you’re going to work in Manhattan, you’ll probably agree that they’ve made it tough to get around.

The planned actions include occupying Manhattan-bound bridges and tunnels, subway stops and major avenues. Aside from their published schedule of approved events, expect impromptu demonstrations as well.

To help you get around, keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook accounts. We’ll be posting regular updates regarding delays on the B and Q lines, as well as any major transit hubs and roadways that may affect your commute.