Collect Your Scraps! Q Gardens To Launch Compost Project This Saturday, April 11

This Saturday, April 11, everyone’s invited to grab their kitchen scraps and head on over to the newly debuted Q Gardens (located behind the Church Avenue B/Q subway station on E. 18th Street) for the launch of its compost project.
The Q Gardens shindig will kick off at 12pm and run until about 4pm — during which time volunteers will also be painting a big compost-related sign and conducting other area maintenance.
The garden, which just opened at the end of March after years of organizing, will soon be establishing regular hours when neighbors can drop off their compost “so that it can be turned into ‘black gold’ (i,e. a super rich soil amendment), instead of going to the landfill,” neighbor and garden volunteer Anne Schoeneborn told us.
To see a list of what you are — and are not — allowed to compost at the site, please go here.
For more information about Q Gardens, you can visit its website and Facebook page.