City Agency Mismanaging Money? Suggest An Audit!

by Marina Fridman-Rybner
NYC Comptroller John C. Liu recently launched “My Money NYC,” a new website‘s to promote accountability and transparency in New York City Government. The slogan puts it best: “New Yorkers deserve to know when, where, and how government spends their hard-earned tax dollars.”
So if you ever wondered what happens to your tax dollars, Liu has simplified ways to find out.
Of the new tools unveiled by the Comptroller, the “Open Audit” is one that readers ought to check out. New Yorkers can now suggest city agencies and contracts that they would like the Comptroller’s office to examine and look for discrepancies or misspending. With the MTA hikes going into effect today, and reports of snow plows sitting unused during the blizzard, we’re betting you have a few recommendations for Liu.
Suggestions go directly to the office’s auditors who will prioritize them. But you have to hurry, as the auditors will make their decisions for 2011 audits in just the next few weeks.
Other tools offered by the new My Money NYC include:
- “Checkbook NYC” – a daily updated online database of city expenses, searchable by agency, vendor, payee or check amount. It will be very interesting to check this out in the near future, to see just how much the blizzard is costing us.
- “Clear View” – allows you to search for City contracts registered with the Comptrollers Office.
- “MWBE Report Card” – measures the contracting opportunities given to minority and women-owned businesses.