Cappuccino On The Bay Closes Without Notice


We always tried being optimistic about Cappuccino on the Bay. We hyped its reopening. We reviewed its new digs. We stopped by as often as we could stand to drink espresso. But in the end, Cappuccino on the Bay’s five-month existence at Avenue Z and East 17th Street passed like a numbing epilogue at the tail of a story many decades in the telling.

Cappuccino on the Bay shut down abruptly over the weekend. On Monday, the windows were covered in paper and a new tenant was already doing minor work inside. We can’t say whether or not the owner is looking for a third storefront in a little over a year – maybe some place with better foot traffic – but it’s unlikely. Our visits over the past few months saw the owner increasingly forlorn (or so it seemed), and our guess is he finally threw in the towel. A financial investment firm is moving into the location.

Cappuccino on the Bay moved to Avenue Z in July, after being forced out of it’s Emmons Avenue location when the property was sold a few months before. It sat on Emmons for generations, serving many bay residents their first espresso drinks. Fare thee well, Cap on the Bay. You’ll be missed.

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