Brief Interviews with Park Slope Dogs

Meet the neighbors!

Name: Cai
Spotted: 1st Street between 6th and 7th Avenues
Breed: Standard Schnauzer
Age: 5
Favorite Place in Park Slope: Outside Kos Kaffe — “he doesn’t get out much”
Favorite Activity: Play-fighting

Names: Hobbes and Bodie
Spotted: 7th Avenue and Garfield
Breed: Hobbes, Tibetan Terrier; Bodie, Maltese-Yorkie-Poodle (“Morkiepoo”)
Age: Hobbes, 13; Bodie, 10 months
Favorite Place in Park Slope: Sitting on the stoop
Favorite Activity: Sitting on the stoop

Name: Weebay
Spotted: Bagel World, 5th Avenue and 4th Street
Breed: Half Bulldog, half Beagle
Age: 4ish
Favorite Place in Park Slope: The bridge overlooking the Gowanus
Favorite Activity: Prospect Park off-leash hours

Name: Pepe
Spotted: 7th Ave and Union Street
Breed: French Bulldog
Age: 5
Favorite Place in Park Slope: PetCo
Favorite Activity: Chewing socks (also: making YouTube videos — “Pepe Sleeping” is at 68,784 views and counting)

Name: Howard
Spotted: Yes. (5th Ave and Garfield)
Breed: Great Dane
Age: 9 months
Favorite Place in Park Slope: Prospect Park during off-leash hours
Favorite Activity: Lying in bed