Bicyclist Hit On Ocean And Voorhies Avenues

We received these photos and report from reader Eitan K.:
At about 9:30PM on 8/23/10 I was in the waldbaums parking lot getting ready to leave after shopping when I heard the all too familiar screeching of tires and a crashing sound. The sound was loud and startling, and I looked over to the intersection trying to locate which two cars were involved. Only when I saw the bicycle laying in the middle of the intersection of Voorhees and Ocean Avenue did I realise the horror of what had just happened.
Luckily for the victim, as the accident took place an ambulance with its lights and sirens on was passing through the intersection, possibly going to another call. Passerby ran in front of the ambulance to flag it down and the victim recieved immediate medical attention.
The driver of the black cab remained at the scene, and his windshield had a pizza tray sized bust on the driver’s side where apparently the bicyclist impacted. I wasnt able to tell if the bicyclist was wearing a helmet, but he was conscious when he was placed in the ambulance.