A Surprise Thanksgiving Dinner Took Over The L-Train Sunday Night

L TRAIN — Around 7 p.m. on Sunday, a surprise Thanksgiving dinner took over the L-train from Union Square to Brooklyn.
Every commuter on that ride was made a plate, no one left behind. There was a full turkey dinner served with sides and fixins, including mashed potatoes and collard greens. MTA employees and passengers alike were shocked, amused, and grateful for the food.
“It was definitely a bit of a stunt but these guys were really respectful of space – It was a 7 PM Sunday L from union square and was not crowded at all. They said it was an inclusive gesture to emphasize no one should go without food on Thanksgiving,” a Reddit user commented about the incident. “They were loud but not rowdy or a nuisance. They even handed out plates to everyone in the car – I got one and the turkey was a solid 7/10 and collard 8.5/10. I’m glad I got to experience something like this. There were even MTA employees amongst us but no one objected.”
This Thanksgiving dinner was organized by a New York comedian, Jodell Lewis. The pop-up dinner was planned ahead of time in collaboration with other NYC artists and Chef Bea.
According to Jodell, this kind act was about giving back and bringing good food to everyone this Thanksgiving holiday.
However, some on Reddit remain skeptical, commenting, “There are a billion and one other ways to do this but volunteering at a soup kitchen just doesn’t get as many likes these days” and “Make zero mistake it was ‘for the gram.'”