A Film Scout’s Frolic Through Floyd Bennett Field

Nick Carr, our favorite movie location scout (do you know any others?), posted an exhaustively breathtaking photo essay of Floyd Bennett Field on his website, “ScoutingNY,” a tremendous blog that we were also honored to compete against last fall when CBS New York pitted us against one another in the “local affairs” category for the “New York’s Most Valuable Blogger Awards.”
Carr, who quite obviously did his homework, takes you on a fun tour through historic Floyd Bennett in a way that is very special, juxtaposing his own photos and witty commentary alongside old black and white images from 70-somewhat years ago of New York City’s first municipal airport (the closest one prior to the opening of FBF was Newark — no doubt a considerable schlep).
Go take a look at what Carr put together, and enjoy this unique and comprehensive perspective of one of southern Brooklyn’s most treasured landmarks.