61st Precinct Crime Statistics: 5/17 – 5/23/2010

Burglaries continued to rise for the third week in a row. Maybe people are looking for air conditioned homes to escape to…
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, grand larceny auto also saw an increase. Along with murder, it makes up the only crime categories that have seen year-to-date increases.
CompStat reports are produced by the New York Police Department on a weekly basis. As a new feature on Sheepshead Bites, we’ll be summarizing the week’s statistics for the 61st Precinct as the reports become available (usually on Monday, one week after the closing date). The 61st Precinct is the police command responsible for Sheepshead Bay, Gravesend, Kings Highway, Homecrest, Madison, Manhattan Beach, and Gerritsen Beach.