Da Nonna Rosa Explains It All

I’m genuinely curious — does the note change your mind about anything? On the one hand, I absolutely imagine appreciate impulse to post some kind of explanation. On the other hand, the note doesn’t actually make a whole lot of sense, because any way you slice it, a single specialty pizza doesn’t seem to add up to enough violation points to warrant a B. (According to the Department of Health’s rubric, a restaurant needs 14-27 points get the grade. Da Nonna Rosa currently has 26.)
It does seem to be true that none of Da Nonna Rosa’s various violations are super upsetting — at least, as far as restaurant hygiene violations go. But then, I know that from the NYT’s new interactive ratings map, not the note in the window.
Personally, I’m sort of charmed by the note’s defensive panic (in Comic Sans!), but I don’t see it holding much sway over my dining habits one way or the other. You?