Rugby’s New New Coffee House is Open

The new New Coffee House is now open. A neighbor (B.G.) sends this:
FYI: I passed by the NEW COFFEE HOUSE on Rugby off of Foster today. It was open. It’s a very small shop with Indian fritters and samosas, along with packaged danish and slices of cake. I didn’t actually see any coffee, but I did see Indian desserts (galub jaman, etc.) in the showcase, and also what looked like mango lassi.The ownerrs were friendly, but I didn’t buy anything. Oh, they also had a lot of bags of assorted chips. It’s not cafe-like in any way. Nothing like Lark, or the likes of it.
I stopped by New Coffee House, snapped a picture and went inside. It’s a small place with one table and a couple of chairs. New Coffee House is selling mostly standard bodega fare and the layout resembles a bodega more than a cafe. What makes the place unique is the selection of fresh-looking Indian desserts up front. It’s not a huge selection but it’s an interesting option for those in the area.
The small and interesting shop doesn’t signal that a great Cortelyou-like renaissance is coming to Rugby Road. However, it has to be taken as a positive sign whenever new businesses open on a stretch of road (Rugby from Foster Avenue to Newkirk Avenue) referred to by neighbors as “Drugby Road” for its persistent problem with crime.