June Events At The Windsor Terrace And Kensington Libraries

From summer reading kick-off parties to movie screenings and a knitting club, there is a lot going on at the Windsor Terrace Library (160 E 5th St) and the Kensington Library (4207 18th Ave).
Windsor Terrace Library June Events
Summer Reading 2013 Kick Off Party: Hidden Treasures!
Thursday, June 6
Play, read, and be merry! Celebrate the start of the Summer Reading program. Readers of all ages are invited to join in fun an educational activities based on our Summer Reading theme: Hidden Treasures.
Preschool Storytime: The Little Artist!
Monday, June 10, 10:30am
Children ages 2-5 and their parents or caregivers are welcome to join a read-aloud and an art activity.
Toddler Time
Tuesday, June 11, 10:30am
Children ages 18 to 36 months and their parents or caregivers can enjoy stories and play.
Tuesdays, June 11, 18, and 25, at 11am
Improve your game and learn new strategies.
Tween Gaming
Tuesdays and Thursdays June 11, 13, 18, 20, at 4pm
Come play and make new friends.
Resume & Career Help
Wednesdays, June 12, 19, 26 at 1:30pm
Get one-on-one assistance with your resume, job search, and online career resources.
Disco Time with Yoni and Gilad
Wednesdays, June 12, 19, 26 at 3:30pm
Join Gilad Khalifa and Yoni the Puppet for Disco Time and sing-a-longs! Program sponsored by the Kings Bay Y at Windsor Terrace. All ages are welcome.
Teen Gaming
Wednesdays and Fridays June 12, 14, 19, 20, at 4pm
Come play and make new friends. For ages 13+.
Movies for Adults
Thursday, June 13 at 1:30pm and Wednesday, June 26 at 5:30pm
Free feature movies for adults. Call 718-686-9707 for titles.
Arts & Crafts
Friday, June 14 at 4pm
Enjoy, relax, and have fun with your friends. Express yourself through arts and crafts projects. Program is held in the children’s Room. Ages 6 and up only. No registration required. First come, first served.
Babies & Books
Fridays, June 21 & 28 at 10:30am
Babies ages birth to 18 months and their parents or caregivers can enjoy books, songs and rhymes.
Book Discussion of Faith: A Novel, by Jennifer Haigh
Thursday, June 27, 1:30pm
A woman estranged from her family returns home to fight for her older brother, a priest at the center of a scandal, until she discovers the truth.
Book Talk
Thursday, June 27, 4pm
Kids ages 6 and up can share some of the favorite books they’ve read and learn about other books they might want to try. Take home a FREE book while supplies last.
Game On!
Wednesdays, June 5, 12, 26 at 4pm
Videogames, chess, and/or other gaming activities for teens.
Summer Reading Kick Off
Thursday, June 6, 1pm
Sign up for Brooklyn Public Library’s Summer Reading Program and enjoy an afternoon of family fun!
ESOL Class
Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27 at 5pm
Pre-registration required.
U.S. Citizenship Exam Preparation
Thursdays, June 6, 13, 20, 27 at 6pm
Free exam prep for the U.S. Citizenship Exam.
Creative Writing Club
Fridays, June 7, 14, 21, 28 at 4pm
With the guidance of a professional writer, teens work on their creative writing process.
English Conversation Group
Tuesdays, June 11, 18, 25 at 6pm
Practice your English language skills in an informal, conversational setting.
Computer Basics Class
Wednesdays, June 12, 19, 26 at 11am
No experience necessary. May 29 focuses on PowerPoint, and May 29 on Excel 2010.
The New Knitting Club
Tuesday, June 18 at 5:30pm
A knitting and crochet club designed to help beginners and experienced knitters alike.
SAT 101: What You NEED To Know About the Test
Wednesday, June 19, 4:30pm
A fun and hands-on workshop that reviews the basics of the SAT.