How To Give Your Kids A Summer They Deserve (That Doesn’t Break The Bank)

If we had to list moms’ top concerns of 2018 they’d probably fall under “are my kids getting enough fresh air?” “What are all these screens doing to their eyes?” “What does the nanny do with them all day?” With summer quickly approaching these worries are only amplified as we all scramble to come up with summer plans for our highly energized tots.
If you’ve haven’t checked already, summer camps are expensive — with eight-week programs starting at $3,000 and up.
Fortunately, we’ve found a solution: Sea Gate Beach Club – Instead of paying the price of camps spend just $649 and let them be a full-time Sea Gate Kid!

Home to one of the only private beaches that remains in NYC, Sea Gate boasts an Olympic size swimming pool, daily kid’s activities, theme nights, food and beverage service and so much more. Most importantly, the club is secure, with its own security guards and beach and pool lifeguards. They’re also offering a special — your nanny can get in free using your pass during the week.

Instead of stressing that your kids aren’t getting enough fresh air or spending their entire summer in front of the TV, sign up for a summer at Sea Gate. Call 718-372-4477 or send membership inquiries to
This post was sponsored by Sea Gate Beach Club. If you would like to reach our readers, please contact us.