How To Find Information On Real-Time Construction Projects In Ditmas Park

Many neighbors write to DPC to find out what’s happening in the neighborhood, like the purpose of ambiguously marked construction projects spotted around town, from road resurfacing to major highway renovations to unanswered curiosities.
For example, neighbor Michael Joyce recently spotted this on Church Avenue, after noticing a similar-looking vehicle on Argyle and Rugby Roads.

Joyce said:
They started ripping up the sidewalks on Argyle between Newkirk and Ditmas about two weeks ago, they moved to Ditmas and now they are sawing and jackhammering their way down Rugby. I saw them stringing cable under Courtelyou last week in between Kings County and the fire house. The trucks say “communications” on the door. They are removing every third section of sidewalk.
After some digging (but not the kind where your hands get dirty), we were able to confirm that JEK Communications, a company that does excavating work for CableVision, was installing fiber-optic cable lines to upgrade the area’s service.
But the corner from Joyce’s photo, Westminster Road and Church Avenue, has been a construction hotspot, with the entire roadway torn up during the water main replacement project.
If you see ambiguously marked construction tearing up streets or sidewalks in Ditmas Park, here are some resources for answering your curiosities:
- Plug your location into the NYC DoITT map, a great resource for finding construction projects, city services and more.
- Call Community Board 14 at (718) 859-6357. CB 14 is responsive and in-the-know about issues –big and small — happening in our neighborhood.