Candidate Lisyanskiy Announces Housing And Economic Development Plans, Attacks Treyger

Looking to stem the influence of billion dollar real estate agencies in the post-Superstorm Sandy reconstruction phase, Democratic City Council candidate John Lisyanskiy laid out a housing and economic development strategy to protect affordable housing. In a press release, Liysyanskiy also attacked his opponent Mark Treyger (D), characterizing him as a puppet of real estate developers.
As the first anniversary of Sandy approaches, Lisyanskiy noted the importance making sure the rebuilding isn’t dominated by powerful real estate interests looking to drive out lower income residents:
…”we must do so responsibly, in a way that makes Coney Island a thriving economic center as well as protects its residents from predatory corporations. Right now, multi-billion dollar real-estate agencies see Coney Island as a veritable feeding ground. These corporations want to demolish affordable housing complexes that serve as homes to thousands of working class members of the Coney Island family. Their goal is to make room for high-rise hotels and casinos that will inevitably cast hundreds of low-income families to the street,” Lisyanskiy said.
Lisyanskiy then painted Treyger as being in the pocket of real estate firms, citing his connection to the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY).
“Jobs for NY, the intentionally deceptive name of REBNY’s political action committee, has financed dozens of advertisements promoting Treyger. What voters don’t know is that Jobs for NY receives millions of dollars in funding from just 22 major real-estate developers. When REBNY comes knocking, calling in those favors, Treyger isn’t going to remember all the promises he made to the residents of Coney Island. All he is going to care about is how he is going to finance his next round of advertisements. Together, we can keep Coney Island out of the hands of greedy corporations,” Lisyanskiy said in the release.
The candidate also laid out his four keys for his “plan for responsible development,” which includes expanding affordable housing and making sure all Sandy related repairs are finally completed.
- I will ensure that overdue repairs of homes that were harmed by Superstorm Sandy are expedited and reduce wait times for future repairs.
- I will work with the community to develop a plan that will make Coney Island an attractive place for businesses without displacing thousands of families.
- I will fight to stop the Rent Guidelines Board from increasing rent on homes affected by Sandy and work with NYCHA to maintain and expand affordable housing.
- I will utilize City Council Land Use authority to demand greater proportion of affordable housing in new developments.