Liena Zagare

Liena Zagare

Brooklyn, NYC
Congressional District 10 Candidate Jo Anne Simon About Talks About Track Record and Serving Community

Congressional District 10 Candidate Jo Anne Simon About Talks About Track Record and Serving Community

You need to be able to work across party lines and with people within your own conference. Being the loudest voice does not have anything to do with whether anything gets passed or who your allies are.
13 min read
Fishy Gowanus, Flashy Pastor, Ghost Bar, Trouble at Maimonides, and more.

Fishy Gowanus, Flashy Pastor, Ghost Bar, Trouble at Maimonides, and more.

Last Friday I had some ice tea with Dan Goldman, the lawyer running to represent the new Congressional District 10,
6 min read
Congressional District 10 Candidate Dan Goldman Talks Democracy and Realism

Congressional District 10 Candidate Dan Goldman Talks Democracy and Realism

“I am not someone that will make perfect the enemy of the good, because I think people are craving results. And I think the people that we're all trying to help care much more about results than they do about revolutions,” Goldman said.
11 min read

Sharks, Robot Servers, Raves, Congressional Races, Adventure Park, and more

Welcome to the summer heat, the extreme version. With temperatures expected to remain in the 90s through Sunday,  do what
9 min read
NYC's Best Ice Cream is in Brooklyn, Rent is up 27%, and other news

NYC's Best Ice Cream is in Brooklyn, Rent is up 27%, and other news

This past week has been rather slow in the news, with most of the local outlets picking up the same
7 min read
Chasing paper, hotdog ice cream, restaurant weeks, and more

Chasing paper, hotdog ice cream, restaurant weeks, and more

My thanks to all of you who have kept your subscriptions and those who have subscribed since Bklyner resumed publishing.
5 min read
Fireworks, BQE Doom, Election Results, and more

Fireworks, BQE Doom, Election Results, and more

Happy Independence Day weekend! Macy's Fireworks will be above the East River, starting around 9:25 pm, and
6 min read
Today is Primary Day: Brooklyn Voter’s Guide

Today is Primary Day: Brooklyn Voter’s Guide

As a new American, it took me a while to realize what really matters when it comes to voting. Here
7 min read
Plan Your Vote, Fleishers is Dead, Long Live Garden Carver, and more.

Plan Your Vote, Fleishers is Dead, Long Live Garden Carver, and more.

Rent increases for the rent-stabilized apartments are starting this fall, school is almost over, and the city's pools
12 min read
Baby Bird, Taiwanese General Store, Traffic Calming, School Budgets, Lots of Real Estate

Baby Bird, Taiwanese General Store, Traffic Calming, School Budgets, Lots of Real Estate

This newsletter is a little heavy on real estate and school news, and there's some good stuff in
12 min read