Zoltar Comes to Coney — Be Careful What You Wish For!

As a diminutive Brooklynite whose posterior is a little too close to the ground for my liking, I could not have been more ecstatic to learn that a Zoltar Speaks fortune telling machine — the exact same kind that made Tom Hanks become “Big” in the 1988 motion picture of the same name — has arrived in Coney Island.
Zoltar is nestled comfortably beneath the Wonder Wheel next to Grandma’s Predictions (we are told “[t]hey are already close friends!”) in Deno’s Wonder Wheel Park, and that is great for me, because I cannot wait to tell Zoltar that I have always wanted to have legs like a supermodel.
Deno’s Wonder Wheel Park is open daily noon – 6 p.m., weather permitting, through April 26 for spring break and then reverts to weekend schedule.
For more, go to www.coneyislandfunguide.com/Attraction/Denos-Wonder-Wheel or www.wonderwheel.com.