1 min read

Damion Scott Painted East 16th Street’s New Mural

Damion Scott Painted East 16th Street’s New Mural

The C-Town on East 16th Street has a new mural up. What do you think?

This is the wall the Flatbush Development Corporation raised money in October to paint with kids taught by neighbor and comic book artist Damion Scott. A C-Town employee said the wall was painted “by the neighborhood” but the FDC hasn’t responded to our requests for comment and we didn’t see or hear about the painting as it went up. We’re wondering if and when neighborhood kids were involved.

Update: The mural was painted by Damion Scott over the weekend, said FDC’s Robin Redmond. The C-Town wanted something up as soon as possible to prevent the wall from being tagged and so Damion put this together after discussing his ideas with business owners in the area. It’s a temporary mural. In the spring, Damion will teach neighborhood kids a thing or two about his style of art as they put a new mural up. He’s already got a curriculum going.