Wednesday What The What: The Plastic Bag Ban

Los Angeles, New York’s smoggier and smuggier cousin has done the unthinkable: They’ve banned the single-use plastic bag.
Although plastic bags were only introduced to supermarkets in the late 70’s (I know, right, it feels like they have been around forever), they quickly became a ubiquitous part of daily life.
Unfortunately, because of their ever-gaining popularity, they also became an environmental hazard. Scientists estimate that more than 315 billion pounds of plastic are in the oceans right now. Not to mention the countless plastic bags flying around Bensonhurst like flockless plastic pigeons.
In a surprising move, the city of Los Angeles outlawed the polyethylene bag, joining San Jose, Long Beach, Malibu and Berkeley.
There were rumblings here and there about a New York plastic bag tax or ban, but thus far, nothing has taken root. If L.A.’s bag ban influences New York politics, get used to hearing “paper or paper” at the checkout line.
Do you think plastic bags should be banned in New York City?
“What the What?” is a new photo feature looking at odd, weird and interesting things in the neighborhood. If you have photos of what the what happenings in Bensonhurst, Bath Beach, Dyker Heights or the surrounding areas send them to lvladimirova [at] bensonhurstbean [dot] com.