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Video: Gentile And Quaglione Face Off In Dyker Heights Debate

Our friend Brian Hedden of Bay Ridge Odyssey was kind enough to record and pass along this video of the debate between Councilman Vincent Gentile and Republican opponent John Quaglione. The debate, held Monday night, was hosted by the Dyker Heights Civic Association.

The two touched on many topics, from who they supported for Brooklyn district attorney, to funding for the district, public safety issues, and term limits. It was a lively debate, with Quaglione frequently going on the offensive, leaving the incumbent to defend his record. Gentile highlighted his achievements, and noted the increased influence he would hold in the Council if reelected due to his seniority.

On a side note, Quaglione took note of our recent whining that Bensonhurst was being left out, as the current debate schedule only has debates hosted in Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights. The candidate has requested that Bensonhurst Bean hold a debate, and has challenged Gentile to appear with him in the neighborhood. Bensonhurst Bean does not at this time have the organizational capacity to host or moderate a debate. But if anyone out there is interested in setting one up, e-mail us at nberke [at] bensonhurstbean [dot] com, and we’ll do everything we can to get the word out and provide coverage.