Tuesday: Community Board 15 Will Discuss 2014 Budget

Community Board 15 will meet tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. at Kingsborough Community College’s faculty dining room U112 (2001 Oriental Boulevard).

The Board will discuss their annual statement to the city regarding budgetary priorities in the district, and will most likely include several recurring (and unmet) requests for a basket pickup truck for the local Sanitation garage and sewer line upgrades throughout the area. If there’s a local improvement you believe needs to be better funded, make sure to voice your request before the Board sends its statement

Also on the agenda are two public hearings:

  • 2057 Ocean Parkway – An application for special permit to allow the enlargement of a single family dwelling
  • 2402/16 Knapp Street – An application to permit an alteration and enlargement of the existing repair shop building and its conversion to an accessory convenience store.

There will also be time to hear residents’ concerns and discuss various committee reports.