1 min read

Traffic Lights Coming to Westminster @ Cortelyou Today!

Westminster Traffic Lights

Today is the day! According to the DOT employees, the lights on the corner of Westminster and Cortelyou Roads will be turned on before noon today. Residents have been asking for lights on that corner for a while now, and rejoiced when the news of decision to install lights came in December. This was one of the intersections that was brought up at the traffic calming meeting our Councilmember Mathieu Eugene held with community a few months back.

There is supposed to be another traffic meeting organized by the Councilmember scheduled for January 31. A number of the issues brought up in the earlier meetings have yet to be concretely addressed, so come out to say thank you in person (so important!) and bring up the next corner in need of improvements. We’ll let you know when the time and location of the upcoming meeting is finalized.

Thank you, DOT and Mathieu Eugene!