Tomorrow: Manhattan Beach Community Group Meeting

The Manhattan Beach Community Group will have its September meeting tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium of P.S. 195 (131 Irwin Street). Their humorous announcement of this meeting is below:

The MBCG will be holding its monthly meeting this Wednesday night, Sept. 21, 8 PM at PS 195. It will be a little less dramatic than the debate/forum of last month but there’s still a few days for us to stir the pot. Hot topics that may be discussed are: The Manhattan Beach Job Plan, Statehood Vote on Manhattan Beach at the UN this week, start of a new political party called either the DECAF or SANKA PARTY and a monorail system for Manhattan Beach to relace combustible engines.

Nominations will be presented for next year and plans for our 70th anniversary BASH will not be unveiled yet.