Time for Christmas Decorations

Halloween’s history. Thanksgiving’s over. It’s time for Christmas.
For some, Christmas is a joyous season, a celebration of Jesus and America. For others, it’s a time to avoid department stores, put up with over-the-top yard decor, and endure ceaseless Christmas music. Nothing to be done about the music (note to Toys R Us: mixing in a dreidel song every three hours doesn’t make the piped in Christmas carols any more bearable to Jews), but perhaps we can all agree on a moratorium on the Christmas-light mechanized Rudolphs. The inflatable Joseph and Mary are perhaps a little tacky, sure, but something about the overly used, mass produced reindeer is so 2002.

Thankfully, Park Slope is not a hotbed for ugly yard displays (because we have no front yards?). For those who revel in the over-the-top Christmas decorations, here’s a website to remind you of what you’re missing.