Things To Do In Ditmas Park This Weekend

Sweet baby lambs at Prospect Park, there’s a lot to do around the neighborhood this weekend! From music to migratory birds and carnivals to cats for adoption, check out what’s on the calendar.
Thursday, May 30
- Kids can keep Prospect Park green at Nature’s Helpers, Audubon Center, 1-2pm Thursdays and Fridays.
- Nature on the Go! is on next at the Prospect Park Audubon Center, Thursdays and Fridays, 3-4pm.
- … and stick around to learn about park wildlife at Animal Encounter, at the Audubon Center Thursdays and Fridays, 4-4:30pm.
- Sustainable Flatbush’s Healing Herb Garden open hours continue at 2103 Kenmore Terrace, Thursdays and Fridays from 4-6pm.
- Latin Fever Dance Studio is at the PS 217 Spring Concert Series, (inside the school auditorium if it rains) 6-7pm.
- Neighbor Robert Franca‘s paintings will be featured at Valentine Gallery, 464 Seneca Ave. (between Harman and Himrod Sts.) in Ridgewood, Queens, 1-6pm Fridays-Sundays until June 23.
- Learn about the DOT’s Slow Zone program at tonight’s Transportation Committee meeting, CB14 District Office (810 E 16th St. by Ave. H), 7pm.
- Attend Prospect Park’s Spring Swing benefit at the Boathouse, 7-10:30pm.
- Sign up to perform at Open Mic night from 8-8:30 pm, or just watch starting at 9pm at 773 Lounge.
Friday, May 31
- Shape Up NYC hosts a free introductory pilates class, Prospect Park Audubon Center, 12-1pm.
- Meet fellow parents at the New Parent Meet-Up, Lark, 1-2pm.
- Teens are invited to a writing workshop at the Cortelyou Library, 3-4pm.
- Attend “Roy & Lloyd’s Happy Hour” live jazz series, Lark, 5:45pm.
Saturday, June 1
- Play a song on the Sing for Hope piano at the Prospect Park Carousel until June 16.
- Get focused for nothing at Free Meditation with Kathleen, Midwood Martial Arts, 8:30-9am.
- Help keep Ditmas Park gorgeous with the Church Ave. BID and FDC at their annual graffiti clean-up and neighborhood beautification event, see link for locations, 9am.
- … and stay safe by shredding your sensitive documents at Shredzilla, FDC Offices (1616 Newkirk Ave. between E 16th and E 17th Sts.), 10am-2pm.
- Help the Woodland Corps keep Prospect Park clean and green by the Picnic House, 10am-2pm.
- Learn about adding solar panels to your home at a Solarize Brooklyn meeting, Cortelyou Library, 10:30am-12pm.
- Adopt a needy pet for free at Sean Casey Animal Rescue (153 E 3rd St. between Caton Ave. and Fort Hamilton Parkway), Saturday and Sunday from 11am-7pm.
- Learn avian basics at Introduction to Birdwatching, Prospect Park Pop-Up Audubon, 12pm, and hang out after until 5pm.
- Sustainable Flatbush’s Healing Herb Garden Saturday open hours are at 2103 Kenmore Terrace, 10am-2pm (with compost open hours 10am-12pm).
- Learn about 19th Century life at the Lefferts 2nd Floor Tours, Lefferts Historic House, Saturdays and Sundays 1pm-3:30pm (tours every half hour).
- See neighbor Eric Pesso‘s work at the BWAC Spring Show, 499 Van Brunt St. in Red Hook, 1-6pm until June 16.
- Kids can learn about making cloth at History in Your Hands: Flax to Linen, also at the Lefferts Historic House, Saturdays and Sundays from 2-4pm.
- “Honey, Dear” Vintage Jazz is on at Lark, 4-5pm.
- Neighbor Ruth Delaney is playing a show with her band Shane and Ruth, as well as The Whiskey Boys, at Bethlehem House, 566 E 7th St. (between Cortelyou and Ditmas), doors at 7pm.
- Bobby Hawk and Friends are at Bar Chord, 9pm.
- Neighbor Damon Maulucci’s movie Detonator is at indieScreen for the Brooklyn Film Festival, 10:30pm.
Sunday, June 2
- Attend Morning Bird Walk: Marvelous Migrants, starting at the Prospect Park Audubon Center, 8am.
- Toddlers can play and sing at Toddler Time with Mary Jo, Lark, 10-10:30am.
- Enjoy the food trucks at Grand Army Plaza, 11am-5pm.
- The Pop-Up Audubon is open again from 12-5pm.
- Sing along with neighborhood dad Larry May at Lark, 4:30-5pm.
- Watch Opera OGGI New York’s latest performance at the Flatbush Reformed Church (890 Church Ave. on the corner of Flatbush Ave.), 6pm.
- Sit zazen at Third Root, 6:45-7:15pm.
Photo via dpcorner