The Open Corner: GO August #4, Adam Taye

This week’s artist is a man of few words, but his art certainly speaks for itself. Ladies and gentlemen…
Tell us a little bit about your background.
I’ve been living in the city since 2000, about half that time in the DP.
What, if anything, are you trying to communicate or explore with your work? What inspires you to create what you create and why the fascination with targets?
Recently I’ve been working on my “Invisible Target” series, where I sew targets that are trying to escape their fate and identity. Some people really love the “Black Rainbow” series; I think to them it asks and answers the question “Can you have a rainbow if you have no light?” Others really love the “Manhunter” series; the pieces are pretty and a little bit sinister.
You work in a lot of media (embroidery, sculpture, etc.). Is there one you prefer or feel you’re strongest in?
Most of my work is conceptually conceptual so I don’t focus on a specific media.

Is your studio, like the other artists we’ve profiled, also part of where you live? How do you feel about opening it up to people?
My studio is near my home but not in it.
What should people expect when they walk in the door?
Visitors entering my studio can expect to see me, a few new works in progress and and a chair for sitting in and hopefully throngs of art lovers. It’s between the R and R Meats and the laundromat.
Do you have any other shows/exhibits coming up that people can check out if they can’t make it to the open studio in September?
I’m participating in a group show in Dumbo, “Push” at Arcilesi & Homberg Gallery, September 6-30. Also “Occupy Potato” at the Islip Art Museum, September 19-October 18.

About Adam
My website is
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The Open Corner will return to its usual programming after the GO Open Studios in mid-September. Interested in participating? Email Avi here.
(Yep, we know it’s not August anymore…)