The Black Box Returns Friday To Film In Ditmas Park

The Black Box, the ABC drama starring Kelly Reilly and Vanessa Redgrave, will be returning to several Ditmas Park blocks to film this Friday, December 13. The series (in which Reilly plays a troubled neuroscientist with Redgrave as her therapist) is scheduled to air in 2014. Interestingly enough, the show is one of the only other credits to young actor Sawyer Barth‘s name besides The Walk, also filmed in Ditmas Park (and being shown this weekend at Temple Beth Emeth).
Blocks affected by The Black Box filming this week include:
- Beverley Road from Westminster to Marlborough
- Argyle Road from Beverley Road to Dorchester Road
- Rugby Road from Beverley Road to Cortelyou Road
Signs ask that neighbors move their cars by 6am Friday morning. If your vehicle is moved, contact location manager David at 718-906-2188.