Tell The City About Your Sewer Backups & Flooding In This Survey

This is one survey every homeowner, business owner, and resident in the neighborhood should fill out, if only for a chance to fix all those corners you might have in your area that back up and flood every time it rains.
The survey’s results will help inform the upcoming “City Speaks” forum series — the first one is on Wednesday, March 11 at 6pm at Brooklyn Borough Hall at 209 Joralemon Street, and will feature officials from the Department of Environmental Protection.
The series is hosted by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, who created it to get residents and city agencies “to discuss procedures and policies on services [such as]flooding and sewer backups, in an effort to address and shape stormwater management efforts.
Completed survey/questionnaires can be emailed to or faxed to 718-802-3881.
The surveys are as follows:
Phone Number:
Address of flooding or sewer back up:
Cross Streets:
1. How often does a sewer backup and/or flooding into your property and/or on your block occur?
2. Do you know what the major causes are for the clogged sewers/catch basins in your area?
3. Did your property or block experience sewer flooding after Hurricane Irene, “Superstorm Sandy” or during heavy rain storms?
4. Have you filed sewer backup and/or flooding complaints with DEP?
5. If so, how long does it take DEP to address it?
6. How much has it cost you to repair damage caused by flooding or sewer overflows?