Update: Grady H.S. Teen Shot While Stopping A Robbery
Yesterday’s shooting in Brighton Beach [/shooting-grady-hs-brighton-beach/], in
which a 17-year-old William E. Grady High School student was hospitalized,
Local Art Group Gives Troubled Teens Attention, Skills And A Second Chance
The Brooklyn Streetcar Artists’ Group [/tag/brooklyn-streetcar-artists-group/]
launched a free program this week for troubled youths who have been arrested
Video: Grady H.S. Hosts Student HVAC Competition
Football? Puh-lease. Wrestling? Forget it. Now, water boiler repair… there’s a
William E. Grady Career and Technical Education
Union Moves To Halt Sheepshead H.S. Closure
The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) filed a lawsuit to stop the closing of
19 public schools, including Sheepshead Bay