Slope Park

Slope Park

Slope Park Racks Up Playground Injury Claims

Following a number of reported injuries that caused pieces of playground equipment to be removed [/blog/kids/slope-park-swing-removed-after-series-of-broken-legs] or welded in place [/blog/kids/local-families-frustrated-as-slope-park-spinning-disk-welded], the newly-renovated Slope Park [/blog/news/the-sun-shines-as-slope-park-officially-opens] is high on the list of riskiest parks in the city when it comes to playground injury lawsuits,

Slope Park Swing Removed After Series Of Broken Legs

broken legs

Slope Park Swing Removed After Series Of Broken Legs

Slope Park’s [/blog/news/the-sun-shines-as-slope-park-officially-opens] large green platform swing, a favorite among area kids, has been removed after reports of several broken legs, two of which occurred on Monday, September 9. Neighbor Dan Janzen [/blog/education/how-students-volunteers-and-a-whole-lot-of-herbs-helped-create-the-ps-295-farmers-market] explained that the swing, which sat very low to the ground, would