Hundreds March From Flatbush Avenue McDonald’s To “Fight For $15” Minimum Wage
Photo via Brooklyn Borough President’s office.Yesterday was Equal Pay Day, as
well as Tax Deadline Day, but the
Join Kensington Activists April 25 For A Pre-May Day Speak Out
Whether you’re already passionate about the ongoing boycotts at Golden Farm
[/tag/golden-farm], a $15 minimum wage, immigrants’ rights,
Owner Of Movie Theater Cleaning Co. Contracted By Sheepshead UA Sentenced For Underpaying Workers
Source: cinematreasures.orgJose Hector Hernandez Gramajo, the owner of a company
contracted to clean the United Artists Sheepshead Bay Stadium
Dirty Owner Failed To Pay Proper Wages To Sheepshead Movie Theater Cleaners
Source: cinematreasures.orgThe owner of the Long Island based Royal Commercial
Cleaning company was arrested
Alec Brook-Krasny Wants To Raise The Minimum Wage
Source: Brook-Krasny’s officeFollowing President Barack Obama’s lead
Assemblyman Alec
Op-Ed: State’s Part-Time Pols Don’t Deserve A Raise
Members of the New York State Legislature doing what they do best. Get it?
Source: WikipediaBETWEEN THE LINES [/tag/between-the-lines/
Should New York State Raise The Minimum Wage?
While the phrase, “a rising tide lifts all boats” has often been used in defense
of tax cuts for those