Got An Idea For A Great Neighborhood Improvement Project? Get A $3,000 Grant To Help Make It Happen!
Source: Citizens Committee for New York CityWorking on transforming an empty lot
into a garden? Trying to organize tenants to
Deadline For Specialized High School Test Is October 22
Students applying to high school for the 2015-2016 school year can register for
the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT)
It’s Not Too Late To Get Registered For Public School, Pre-K Or Free Lunch – But You Have To Hurry!
Source: Dan Nguyen/FlickrSure, public schools open tomorrow. But maybe you’re a
last minute kind of person – or one
Kindergarten Applications & Local School Tours
If your child was born in 2009, the time has finally come to send in those
kindergarten applications. This year,
Feeling Lucky? Pre-K Registration Begins Today
Getting into some pre-K classes in New York City can be as difficult as being
accepted to an Ivy League
Deadline for Middle School Choice Applications Is Friday
Just a reminder for those of you with 5th graders, the deadline for middle
school choice applications