Sweep the Slope This Saturday

Sweep the Slope This Saturday

It is a busy week for the Park Slope Civic Council. On top of this Wednesday’s Food for Thought fundraiser at the Prospect Park Picnic House, there’s the Fall Civic Sweep. This neighborhood beautification program will go on rain or shine on Saturday, October 13, from 10am-2pm, and the meeting point is the Old Stone House. This biannual event includes litter removal, weeding, and tree mulching, among other things. It’s a good family activity, and a nice way to give back to the community.

You can also bring your unwanted clothing and textiles for recycling by Wearable Collections. And they’ll be giving away free daffodil bulbs for planting in public places. Of course, they’ll have all the tools and supplies you’ll need, plus refreshments and a bluegrass band. You’ll get a sticker that says “I Made Park Slope Cleaner Today,” and if you need it, they’ll have Community Service vouchers.

Maybe Saturday’s short notice, and we all have busy lives. But the Slope Sweep isn’t your only opportunity to volunteer. Parks, schools, the poor…  The list of people who can use your help is endless. And that shouldn’t make us throw up our hands – it just means we have a great many volunteering options. There are even websites that help match you with someone or something that needs your help.

Come on, Park Slope. Let’s make our president proud.