South Slope Weekend Events Spotlight: June 5-8

Looking for something to do this weekend? With everything from photography exhibitions and Coffee Bark, to Celebrate Brooklyn and story times, you won’t have to go far for fun! Check out some of our favorite events from around the neighborhood:
Exhibition Opening: At Home By Heather Weston
When: Thursday, June 5, 6-8pm
Where: Powerhouse on 8th, 1111 8th Avenue, between 11th and 12th Streets
What: It’s one of NYC’s most treasured pastimes…wondering what the inside of everyone’s apartment looks likes. Brooklyn-based photographer Heather Weston explores this concept with her new series, by photographing the apartments of friends and neighbors to see how New Yorkers inhabit their spaces.
How much: Free, but RSVP is appreciated. To reserve your spot, email
Nature On The Go
When: Thursdays and Fridays, 2-3pm
Where: Audubon Center, Prospect Park
What: Every Thursday and Friday, families can take a walk with members of the Prospect Park Alliance to learn about the park’s flora and fauna. No reservations required, just meet at the Audubon Center.
How much: Free.
Family Movie
When: Friday, June 6, 3:30-5:30pm
Where: Park Slope Library, 431 6th Avenue at 9th Street
What: Family movie and craft afternoon is back, to mark your calendars for a cozy afternoon at the library with the kids.
How much: Free.
Coffee Bark
When: Saturday, June 7, 7am-9am
Where: Meadow beside the Picnic House in Prospect Park (Enter at PPW and 3rd Street)
What: It’s the first Saturday of the month, which can only mean one thing…Coffee Bark with FIDO. There will be treats for dogs (and their owners), as well as information on off-leash activities.
How much: Free.
History In Your Hands: Flax To Linen
When: Saturdays and Sundays, June 1-29, 2-4pm
Where: Lefferts Historic House, Prospect Park
What: Did you know that Lefferts House has a flax crop? This month, the whole family is invited to come and give the tools used to process flax fibers into linen cloth. As an added bonus, you can dress up in some reproduction clothing for a photo-op in the farm’s wagon.
How much: $3 suggested donation
Celebrate Brooklyn: Bud Light Music Series The Soul Rebels, Jon Cleary & The Absolute Monster Gentlemen, and The Lost Bayou Ramblers
When: Saturday, June 7, 7pm
Where: Prospect Park Bandshell, 9th Street and Prospect Park West
What: Enjoy the sounds of Louisiana this Saturday as Celebrate Brooklyn welcomes The Soul Rebels, Jon Cleary & The Absolute Monster Gentlemen, and The Lost Bayou Ramblers.
How much: $3 suggested donation.
Story Time: Duck & Goose Go To The Beach
When: Sunday, June 8, 11:30am-12pm
Where: Powerhouse on 8th, 1111 8th Avenue, between 11th and 12th Streets
What: Author and illustrator Tad Hills hosts this week’s Powerhouse on 8th story time session, where he’ll read from his latest book, Duck & Goose Go to the Beach. Geared toward children ages 3 to 7.
How much: Free, but RSVP is appreciated. To reserve your spot,
Book cover by Tad Hills via Powerhouse on 8th