South Slope Events Spotlight: January 24 – 27

From not-quite-hits of the 20’s to a rat in the kitchen, there’s plenty to do around South Slope this weekend. These are our top picks:
Thursday, January 24
The 2013 Works in Progress Series is showing at BAX (421 5th Ave) this weekend. Thursday night features artist in residence for theatre, Max Steele, and his current work, tentatively titled, “The Encourager.” According to the BAX website, Max is hoping,”to explore the dynamics of radical audience participation, by using a combination of techniques for engaging the crowd. I’m interested in finding a new way for the audience to suspend disbelief. Rather than creating a fantasy world in which the audience can “get lost”, I aim to create a work in which the audience’s is continuously engaged, always present.” Cool. Tickets can be purchased in advance on the BAX website for $15 (general admission) or $8 (low income). For additional showings this weekend, check out the full list of artists in residence here.
Friday, January 25
With names like Parade Grounds at 9pm, and Hurrah! Bolt of Light at 10pm, you can’t help but get excited about Bar 4’s Friday night music lineup. Check out the bands below. No cover.
Saturday, January 26
Talk about throwback, Barbès (376 9th Street) will feature Daria Grace & the Pre-War Ponies this Saturday at 8pm. The band sings “not-quite hits from the 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s,” and are a blast and a half. Go. No cover.
Sunday, January 27
We believe that cartoons are for adults, too, and wholeheartedly recommend this Sunday’s showing of Ratatouille at Cafe Steinhof (422 7th Ave). Cozy up with some liquid warmth, a little Austrian comfort food, and cheer on everyone’s favorite rat, as he claws his way to success in the French culinary world. The free movie starts at 10:30pm.
Image via Daria Grace & the Pre-War Ponies