Share Your Ideas For The New Ennis Playground Design

Share Your Ideas For The New Ennis Playground Design
ennis playground
Photo courtesy of NYC Parks

Ennis Playground has a much-needed renovation on the horizon, and Councilman Brad Lander is reaching out to the community for design suggestions.

Located on 11th Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, the quiet Gowanus playground has garnered a faithful following from residents and politicians alike. After a big neighborhood push, Councilman Lander and Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams allocated $2,500,000 to renovate the entire park – including the children’s play area, the basketball court, and the seating area.

Synthetic turf? A dog run? Swings? A spray area? Fewer entrances? What would you like to see in the new design? Make your voice heard by filling out the Ennis Playground survey, recently shared by Councilman Lander’s office. The suggestions will be sent to designers from the Parks Department, who will present their plans to the community this fall.

Note that the survey deadline is Sunday, January 24, so get those ideas in soon.

For questions or more information, contact Catherine Zinnel at 718-499-1090, or email