Sean Casey Animal Shelter Needs Your Help

Some heartbreaking news stories should really come with warning labels or, in the very least, a box of tissues.
The Daily News ran a piece on the overcrowded and critically overwhelmed Sean Casey Animal Shelter that, if you are an animal lover, will plainly rip your heart out and reduce you to a quivering bowl of jelly.
Run by the 30-year-old Casey, the Windsor Terrace animal shelter’s astronomically high vet bills per month are more money than some of us have ever possessed in our lifetimes. Running on an incredibly small budget and bursting at the seams, Sean Casey Animal Shelter just plain needs help… badly.
According to Casey, “Our regular vet bills are already tens of thousands of dollars a month, [s]o when you add in another $7,000 to $10,000 in emergency surgeries in a week, it’s crippling for us.”
The surgeries Casey is referring to are not even the two or three animals per month whose conditions are so life-threatening that they require emergency surgery, but the seven gravely injured creatures in “life-or-death” situations this week alone who luckily found themselves under the care of Casey and his dedicated team:
Phoenix the snapping turtle was likely just done laying her eggs when she was hit by a car on Staten Island. Her shattered shell was screwed and wired back together yesterday by a local vet.
A fluffy feline found in Sheepshead Bay had such a terrible infection both eyes had to be removed and sewn shut.
A handful of dogs who were hit by cars and left for dead will require multiple surgeries over the coming months to fix broken legs, shattered toes and injured hips.
Missy, a pit bull who now wears a purple-and-green cast, still had black tire tread marks on her white fur when she arrived from Queens, Casey said.
A trio of German shepherds were [sic] found scared and abandoned in the Prospect Park parade grounds. And while one emaciated puppy died, another tiny kitten dubbed Goofball came in so weak he could barely stand.
The shelter, according to the News, provides refuge for “about 40 dogs, 30 cats and a smattering of other animals — including hamsters, birds, rabbits and reptiles — at any given time,” but now is the time when they need help the most.
Furious that irresponsible owners do not take better care of their pets, Casey told the paper that pet owners abandon their creatures when they go on vacation, and intakes subsequently increase at the shelter, a Sisyphean weight they could barely contend with, particularly during the summer months, when adoptions are slowest.
Sean Casey Animal Shelter can use all the help it can get — responsible and caring animal lovers to adopt dogs, cats or other exotic creatures; donations of funds, food and supplies, and so much more. Please open your heart and consider helping a truly worthwhile cause — contact the Sean Casey Animal Rescue shelter at (718) 436-5163, go to or send them an email at