Rugby Road Gets New Speed Bumps, 20 MPH Limit

Careful if you wind up driving down Rugby later today–new speed bumps have been installed between Glenwood and Avenue H.
We first got word the bumps would be going in a few weeks ago, upon hearing that signs–much to the surprise of a few neighbors on the block–had been put up. Those neighbors expressed concern over the noise bumps might cause if hit by vehicles without adequate clearance, although they could all agree they’d be glad if it meant less speeding in the area.

We have reached out to Community Board 14 for more information on the bumps–how it was decided to install them, if anything could be done about the potential noise issue, and if neighbors could elect to have the bumps removed if the noise was too disturbing–but we haven’t yet heard back. UPDATE 6/13: CB14 explains that the neighborhood requested the bumps a couple years ago, and that, as is the process, the DOT examined the street and felt bumps would ameliorate incidents of speeding on the block. Though they are not directly involved in the process, CB14 can direct neighbors with concerns to the right channels to make requests or complaints about these, or any other, speed bumps.
What about you–if you live on a block with speed bumps, have you been disturbed by the noise of cars driving over them? Have they significantly reduced speeding on your block, or do drivers put the pedal to the metal in between them? If there’s noise, is it a fair trade off for safer driving?