Raccoons Invade Greenwood Heights

Raccoons Invade Greenwood Heights
raccoons greenwood heights

Given their proximity to Green-Wood Cemetery, it’s no surprise that 23rd Street has a history of summer raccoon encounters. This year is no exception, and it looks like ten critters were spotted checking out the trash bin goodies on Wednesday night.

If you’re looking to ward off the masked bandits, Concerned Citizens of Greenwood Heights offered up a few tips:

Bag all of your garbage before putting it into the can
Rinse all of your recycling (obviously not paper, but clean off them pizza boxes, yo!) before putting into the can
Make sure the can lids are locked. Don’t have locking lids? Get a can that does (or ask your landlord).
If you see trash on the sidewalk or in front of your building, pick it up and put it where it belongs…in a can.
If you are out at night and see them, MAKE NOISE. They need to be afraid of us humans (and a broomin’ doesn’t hurt either).
Common sense stuff, but gives the critters less to attract them to our lovely households and have them forage as naturally as possible. And then we all can coexist as best as possible.

Any other blocks out there dealing with raccoons this summer? What are you doing to make sure they say out of your trash?

Photo via Concerned Citizens of Greenwood Heights