Protesters Gather Outside Weinstein’s Office To Fight For Adoptee Rights

Protesters surrounded the office of Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein (3520 Nostrand Avenue), claiming she is an opponent of the rights of adult adoptees. According to Adoption Birth Mothers, an adoption-based blog, the protesters were arguing for the right to have access to their child birth certificates.

Under current New York law, birth records for adopted children are sealed from original parents, the adopting parents and the adoptees. Opponents of the law argue that being denied original birth certificate records constitutes a discriminatory practice by the government and violates their civil rights. The video below presents the position of Claudia Corrigan D’Arcy, an advocate for securing adoptee rights.

According to the protesters, Weinstein, chair of the Judiciary Committee, has long opposed the Adoptee Rights Bill, preventing it from reaching the Assembly floor for a vote. For more information on the history and cause of the proponents of the Adoptee Rights Bill, click here.