Pose For Photos With A Child-Size Curious George At Kings Highway Library

Now’s your chance to show some love for the Kings Highway library!
This local branch of the Brooklyn Public Library at 2115 Ocean Avenue has been named of the 10 finalists for the Bike the Branches book display contest, for which they’ve created a life-size Curious George display for children to snap photos with. If the library wins they will get a “special prize” that has yet to be announced. Last year, the Brooklyn Public Library gave the winner a pizza party for the entire staff.
On the Bike the Branches display contest website, Kings Highway describes their lauded display:
Cycling through the park on the green grass on his way to Kings Highway Library. Sun and puffy clouds keep his spirits high. You can find a book display with his many adventures on the 2nd floor Children’s Room. Child-size George would like you to take a picture with him on May 9, 2015 to celebrate Bike the Branches!
Other branches that are in the top 10 include: Bay Ridge, Clarendon, DeKalb, Kensington, Courtelyou, Park Slope, Ryder, Stone Avenue, and Windsor Terrace.
The third annual Bike the Branches is a one-day ride on May 9 that lets you discover parts of Brooklyn you may not have seen before while supporting the Brooklyn Public Library. For more information about the event, including how to register, you can go here.
Congratulations to Kings Highway and all the nominees!