Patch, And The Importance Of Hyperlocal News

We’ve learned that the editors of the Patch sites in our areas have been let go today as part of massive cuts to the AOL local news network. We’re very sorry for our colleagues, some of whom we had the pleasure of working with during our brief time with Patch, and for the neighborhoods that they’ve covered.
Obviously we feel strongly about the importance of hyperlocal reporting, and to lose such an outlet is a loss for a community. In New York City, we are fortunate to have some excellent newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations to cover quite a bit. But even then, they might not have the time or the resources to get to all the things that matter to a neighborhood. We, and many terrific sites like ours, are trying to tell those stories. And with your continued support, and the support of the businesses that advertise on our sites, we will keep at it.
But as we often say, we really can’t do it without you. Let us know what you’re seeing around the neighborhood, about the things that concern you, about what you want to see on the site. Please patronize local businesses, and tell our advertisers you appreciate their support of your favorite local news site.
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