Passage Of Dining With Dogs Bill Means Outdoor Cafes Can Legally Welcome Furry Friends

You are a signature away from being able to legally dine with your dog at outdoor and sidewalk cafes — as long as the bar or restaurant owner allows it — in New York State, thanks to the passage of Senate Bill 4327/Assembly Bill 5956, also known as the Dining With Dogs Bill.
The bill now awaits Governor Andrew Cuomo’s signature.
Although the city Department of Health expressed concerns since the bill overrides health codes, the bill enjoyed support from state politicians across party lines, who considered it a benefit for small businesses and pet owners alike.
“I have always championed animal causes in the legislature, so when I heard about this bill I was very excited,” said Brooklyn Assemblymember Joseph Lentol, who chairs the Assembly’s Codes Committee. “I think this is a great added benefit for dog owners, which are abundant in North Brooklyn. I think the Dining With Dogs bill will help businesses by drawing the dog-friendly crowd, but I also think this will help drive business in outdoor cafes on those very hot summer days when people would rather be sitting in the air conditioning.”Other Brooklyn elected officials who voted in favor of the bill were State Senators Velmanette Montgomery, Marty Golden, and Diane Savino, as well as Lentol’s colleagues Assemblymembers Alec Brook-Krasny and Felix Ortiz.Local groups such as Fort Greene PUPS and Brooklyn For Pets also cheered the news, calling the news a victory for their petition campaign, and “exciting news for those of us who like to dine with our dogs.”