New Pharmacy Coming To Sheepshead Bay Road?

Okay, I’m a little confused here, and it’s largely because I don’t speak Russian.
Let’s start with what we do know. Felicita, a clothing store that once occupied this storefront at 1616 Sheepshead Bay Road, closed down recently. In the past week or so, the awning was removed, revealing a much older sign for a pharmacy named Bi-Wise Drugs. First – anyone remember this place?
Now, where things get confusing is that sign overlapping it, in Russian. I recognize the Russian word for pharmacy, but not much else, and at first I figured it was a sign announcing that a pharmacy at 3090 Ocean Avenue would be moving to this location. But that’s the address for the Duane Reade at Ocean Avenue and Avenue Z, and I can’t imagine they’ll be moving into this teeny, tiny space.
So are they saying that former clients of Bi-Wise Drugs should go to Duane Reade? That doesn’t make any sense either, since this pharmacy has been closed for
at least 25 yearsa while! Can someone fill us in, please?
Also, a note to Russian business owners – put your signs in English already. You’re making my job harder.
Update: In retrospect, it’s become clear that I have no idea what I’m talking about when it comes to Bi-Wise. Thanks to all the commenters who translated the sign and filled us in on the history of Bi-Wise.