1 min read

Morning Mug: “Occupy Plumb Beach?”

The photographer tells us that the erection of this and similar structures is “something that happens quite often in Plumb Beach” and that it “has probably been going on for some time before the Occupy movement started.” This is what he shared in an email:

I found it an interesting contrast to display that structure, which was one of the more complex ones I’ve seen, against the backdrop of the high rise across the street. My use of the “Occupy” moniker for the photo was only drawing a connection between that tent like structure and the tents and such of the Occupy movement. It is a sad thing that someone has very little recourse for shelter other than “occupying” Plumb beach.

Sad, indeed.

Technical deets (for those of you who care about such things): Shot on aperture priority mode with a Kodak EasyShare Z1015; ISO f/7, 1/160, ISO-80.

Photo by PayPaul