Missed Connections: F To 7th

Missed Connections: F To 7th
Photo by David, Bergin, Emmett and Elliott
Photo by David, Bergin, Emmett and Elliott

Being able to get off the F train at one of our local stops on the weekend is miraculous enough, but one woman is hoping that lucky streak continues, and she’s trying to track down a fella she eyed this past Saturday at around 6:30pm. From her Craigslist missed connection post:

I couldn’t look directly at you cuz I kept blushing. In case you were curious, I was listening to Queen. We both got off at 7th and I lost you at 15th st. We should grab a beer or 8.

Sound like you? Get in touch and invite the gal for those beers at American Cheez, conveniently located at the last intersection you were together.