More Than Minecraft: 5 Terrific Tech Camps

Believe it or not, there is more to summer than Prospect Park. Give young campers a head start on coding and programming by enrolling in one of these very cool tech-related camps!
Dabble in a variety of technologies
There’s no need to limit a child to just one kind of technology. These camps offer a diverse array of technologies to try out.
LIU Summer Camp
Where: Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus, 1 University Plaza near Flatbush and DeKalb Avenues, (718) 488-1364,
What: When it comes to tech, LIU offers a little of everything. Young campers will start a graphic design portfolio, plan and build their own 3D environment that includes a suspension bridge and skyscrapers, explore electronics and simple machines as the build their own robot, figure out how to design and code their own video game. Between these technical activities, campers will also have access to LIU’s state-of-the-art athletic spaces. Open house: February 25, 2017, Pratt Building Lobby, 11am-1pm
How much: $550/session for half day, $990/session for full day
Curious Jane
Where: 4 locations in Brooklyn, 718.369.6320,
What: The science lab doesn’t have to be boring white coats who blow things up. How about a glittery jacket that is comfortable, stylish, and protective in a becoming shade of aquamarine?! Young scientists mix chemicals to create fantastic lip balms, face masks, and bubble baths. Then they can explore catapult design in style.
How much: $585
Computer Technology and Coding
If your young ones already know their way around a computer, take the next step and let them learn to code.
Pixel Academy
Where: 163 Pacific St, Brooklyn, 886-771-6837,
What: Raise your hand if you’re obsessed with Minecraft — then Pixel Academy is the place for you! But the computer world is so much larger than Minecraft, which is why at Pixel Academy young programmers also learn how to laser-cut phone cases.
How much: $840 and up
iD Tech
Where: St. Francis College, 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, 1-888-709-8324
What: There is so much to explore with computers and iD Tech covers it all. iD Tech will teach young computer enthusiasts a broad range of skills including how to program their own iPhone, design a video game, or create a viral youTube video.
How much: $849 and up
The world will always need engineers and now is the perfect time to open young eyes to an engineering path.
Engineering for Kids
Where: Saint Joseph High School, 80 Willoughby St, Brooklyn, 347-644-7119,
What: Engineering for Kids offers a little bit of everything to young engineers. They get to see a project all the way through from ideas and design to building and implementation. Yes, the work with Legos. They also 3D print their own creations!
How much: $525
Happy camping!