1 min read

Midweek Photo: The Little House That Could

Development of Coney Island Avenue in Sheepshead Bay

Yet another photo coming in from Lisanne Anderson via Flickr, who has been documenting development in Sheepshead Bay with photography. She posted this photo of an adorable little bungalow chilling out between two new behemoths on Coney Island Avenue between Avenue X and Avenue Y. The little fella’ is the original office of the Russian publisher that now occupies the office building to the left. Here’s what Lisanne had to say:

The publishing firm that owns the little house built a larger building right next to the bungalow they started their operations from. Considering the current cost of land on Coney Island Avenue I find this rather interesting. Sentimental atachment to their roots? Whatever the reason, I’m glad they kept it, though I miss the two little storefront buildings that were there before they put up the larger building.